Raiden Shogun: Judgment of Euthymia/Genshin Impact Character Demo INSANE Piano Arrangement/ピアノCover

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Published at : September 06, 2021

I changed the difficulty rate to 4.5 now !!! Because I realised how difficult it is to record with metronome at 144 BPM. The middle repeated notes with left hand leap almost killed myself, even I arranged it myself. At the end I decide to take one semiquaver out from left hand ostinato because with the repeated notes in the right hand, it seems to hear the same even with less notes in left hand.

Sheet Music: (Free after 50K)

Synthesia Version:

Difficulty 4.5/5
(The difficulty is only rated according to my OWN arrangements so people can know it before they tried to learn it. I set my hardest arrangements as 5/5 and the easist as 1/5. It doesn't represent the difficulty of average piano arrangements on Youtube.)

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#genshinimpact #raidenshogun #雷電将軍 Raiden Shogun: Judgment of Euthymia/Genshin Impact Character Demo  INSANE Piano Arrangement/ピアノCover