Raid Chat with SkratchAK47 | Best Forge Gear Sets | Raid Shadow Legends
Published at : September 26, 2021
Raid Chat with SkratchAK47 | Best Forge Gear Sets | Raid Shadow Legends
Make sure to go by SkratchAK47's channel and drop a sub to him: https://www.youtube.com/c/SkratchAK47
Had a great time chatting with my brother! Covered every set you can forge and which ones are best from the Doom Tower. Lots of good info here for you!
Find all my YouTube Music on SoundStripe with the link below
🤠Use this link and code DEADWOODJEDI for a 15% discount: https://www.soundstripe.com/?fpr=deadwoodjedi
If you haven't downloaded the GameOn app yet use the links below
🤠Visit Amazon GameOn Website - http://bit.ly/GO-Jedi
🤠Download Android App - http://bit.ly/GO-Jedi-DL1
🤠Download iOS App - http://bit.ly/GO-Jedi-iOS
Looking for ways to connect and find more content? Use the links below
🤠Clan Boss and Arena Calculators: https://www.deadwoodjedi.com
🤠Coaching or Dungeon and Clan Boss Takeovers join my Patreon: https://patreon.com/deadwoodjedi
🤠Streaming on Twitch Tues-Thurs @1pm PST and alternating Fridays @12pm PST & Sundays @1pm PST: https://twitch.tv/deadwoodjedi
🤠Twitter @DeadwoodJedi: https://twitter.com/deadwoodjedi
🤠Discord: https://discord.gg/xGreJuH
🤠Intro Music: Cantina Blues by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/3474-cantina-blues License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
If you haven't downloaded Raid: Shadow Legends yet use the links below
#RAID #RaidShadowLegends #RaidRPG #Plarium #GameOnPartner #SoundStripePartner #raidshadowlegends pc
#raidshadowpc #raidmobile #raidofshadowlegends #shadowraidlegends
#plariumraidshadowlegends #raidshadowlegendswindows #raidshadowlegendsonpc
#raidshadowlegendsgameplay #raidshadowlegendsad #doomtowerraidshadowlegends
Make sure to go by SkratchAK47's channel and drop a sub to him: https://www.youtube.com/c/SkratchAK47
Had a great time chatting with my brother! Covered every set you can forge and which ones are best from the Doom Tower. Lots of good info here for you!
Find all my YouTube Music on SoundStripe with the link below
🤠Use this link and code DEADWOODJEDI for a 15% discount: https://www.soundstripe.com/?fpr=deadwoodjedi
If you haven't downloaded the GameOn app yet use the links below
🤠Visit Amazon GameOn Website - http://bit.ly/GO-Jedi
🤠Download Android App - http://bit.ly/GO-Jedi-DL1
🤠Download iOS App - http://bit.ly/GO-Jedi-iOS
Looking for ways to connect and find more content? Use the links below
🤠Clan Boss and Arena Calculators: https://www.deadwoodjedi.com
🤠Coaching or Dungeon and Clan Boss Takeovers join my Patreon: https://patreon.com/deadwoodjedi
🤠Streaming on Twitch Tues-Thurs @1pm PST and alternating Fridays @12pm PST & Sundays @1pm PST: https://twitch.tv/deadwoodjedi
🤠Twitter @DeadwoodJedi: https://twitter.com/deadwoodjedi
🤠Discord: https://discord.gg/xGreJuH
🤠Intro Music: Cantina Blues by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/3474-cantina-blues License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
If you haven't downloaded Raid: Shadow Legends yet use the links below
#RAID #RaidShadowLegends #RaidRPG #Plarium #GameOnPartner #SoundStripePartner #raidshadowlegends pc
#raidshadowpc #raidmobile #raidofshadowlegends #shadowraidlegends
#plariumraidshadowlegends #raidshadowlegendswindows #raidshadowlegendsonpc
#raidshadowlegendsgameplay #raidshadowlegendsad #doomtowerraidshadowlegends

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