Inaugural Run of Private Train Badar Exp | Super Fast ZCU30 6328 Leading Lahore to Faisalabad Train

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Published at : September 04, 2021

I traveled from Rawalpindi to Lahore to cover inauguration of ceremony of privatization of Pakistan Railways train 111UP/112DN Badar Express, after inauguration at Lahore junction Railway Station Badar Express Departed towards Faisalabad,
AS Enterprises won the bid by offering 83,106,000/Rs.... trains compostion contains 10 economy class coaches and it took 2 hours and 10 minutes to travel 150 kilometers....
Badar Express is daily train and runs between Lahore and Faisalabad and vice versa....
train Departure was scheduled at 9:30am but its departed 10 minutes late....
ZCU30-6328 was hauling it and it's made aggressive moves during the journey,
I enjoyed the Chugging sound throughout the train journey
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#Sitesandsounds #BadarExpress #privateTrain #InaguralRun #privatization #PakistanRailways #Zcu30locomotive #Lahore #trains #railfan #vlog #Zcu306328 #traintravel #AsEnterprizes Inaugural Run of Private Train Badar Exp | Super Fast ZCU30 6328 Leading Lahore to Faisalabad Train
Badar expressZCU 30 6328train travel lahore to faisalabad