How to preserve whites in watercolour - 8 different ways

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Published at : September 09, 2021

Whites in watercolour are a unique challenge - how do you paint a white object on white paper? How do you keep the white of the paper, when you have no white paint to get it back if you lose it? If you keep the sparkle of the paper, your whole painting comes to life, but if you lose it, then your work may look dead and flat. So preserving your whites is the subject of this short film and I've come up with lots of options, so you should have one which is perfect for whatever you are painting.

Masking fluid usually springs to mind, but are there any other options? Yes there are, and I share 8 ways of reserving (or is that preserving?) and saving your whites.

Each option has it's pros and cons, so I try and mention a few of those to allow you to make your own decision about which will be best for you. There are methods to reserve the white and a few to add it back in.

I share different tips and tricks each week, so if you found this useful please like it (YouTube will share it more if you do that) and subscribe.

#lizchaderton #preservingwhite #watercolourtips How to preserve whites in watercolour - 8 different ways
watercolour tutorialwatercolor tutorialsaving whites