How This Public Image was Used to Find 1000s of 2b2t Bases
Published at : September 13, 2021
NOCOM was by far one of the biggest exploits 2b2t has even encountered. And one player took full advantage of the public NOCOM data as many bases as possible. Let's see how he did it.
NOCOM Animation: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/737054779582185522/864051484203286529/nocomment_teaser_trailer.mp4
NOCOM GitHub Explanation: https://github.com/nerdsinspace/nocom-explanation/blob/main/README.md
Join my Discord Server! https://www.salc1.com/discord
NOCOM Animation: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/737054779582185522/864051484203286529/nocomment_teaser_trailer.mp4
NOCOM GitHub Explanation: https://github.com/nerdsinspace/nocom-explanation/blob/main/README.md
Join my Discord Server! https://www.salc1.com/discord
