Donald Trump Jr Tries To Mock Biden With Debunked Image
Published at : September 08, 2021
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Donald Trump, Jr. attempted to mock the Biden administration's Afghanistan withdrawal by using a graphic that depicted a man hanging from a helicopter. The video of this event went viral earlier this week, with Republicans claiming the Taliban had hanged a man from the helicopter. This was false, as the man was hanging from a harness and actually waved at people taking videos. But that didn't stop Junior from using what he thought was graphic imagery to take a shot at the man who defeated his father. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.
Link - https://www.rawstory.com/fake-helicopter-execution-story-afghanistan/
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
Earlier this week, a viral video was going around social media that apparently showed a man being hung from a helicopter in Afghanistan and Republicans shared the video saying this was the Taliban hanging a man from a helicopter. Uh, turns out that was completely false. The man was actually hanging from a harness, waving two people from the helicopter. Uh, it wasn't an execution. The man didn't die. And so Republicans, including Ted Cruz, were forced to come out and say, oops, I shared a video that was, uh, inaccurately described. But one person who didn't backtrack on this was Donald Trump Jr. and Trump Jr. had his super clever people working for him, create a photo-shopped image of the Biden campaign logo that now includes an image of the person hanging from the helicopter.
And of course they made it look like the individual was being hanged from the helicopter. And for awhile there, that image was prominently on Donald Trump Jr.'s Twitter page. As of me sitting here reporting this, he hasn't apologized. He hasn't retracted. He has done nothing to correct the fact that he is using a debunked piece of imagery to attack and mock Joe Biden. This is what they do. This is what people like Donald Trump do. He has nothing of substance to actually attack Joe Biden for. So he thinks he's clever, has his clever little people draft up this image trying to say, oh, let's make this look like Joe Biden is somehow responsible for a thing that never even happened. A thing that has now been widely debunked and even Republicans like Ted Cruz have apologized for sharing it.
But there is no shame within the Trump family. There is no sense of, you know, introspection whatsoever. They just do things and they don't care about the consequences. They don't care if it's true or false. That's how this whole crazed family operates. And Jr. might be the worst of them all, at least among the Trump children, at this point. You know, he's trying to build his brand. He's trying to get all his dad's followers to go along with him, for whatever God awful plans he may have in the future. But the point is this imagery, this video, has widely been debunked. It didn't actually happen the way conservative said it happened. But that isn't stopping Jr. from trying to use this imagery and of course doctoring it up a little bit to make it look like Joe Biden is responsible, again, for a thing that never actually happened.
Donald Trump, Jr. attempted to mock the Biden administration's Afghanistan withdrawal by using a graphic that depicted a man hanging from a helicopter. The video of this event went viral earlier this week, with Republicans claiming the Taliban had hanged a man from the helicopter. This was false, as the man was hanging from a harness and actually waved at people taking videos. But that didn't stop Junior from using what he thought was graphic imagery to take a shot at the man who defeated his father. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.
Link - https://www.rawstory.com/fake-helicopter-execution-story-afghanistan/
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
Earlier this week, a viral video was going around social media that apparently showed a man being hung from a helicopter in Afghanistan and Republicans shared the video saying this was the Taliban hanging a man from a helicopter. Uh, turns out that was completely false. The man was actually hanging from a harness, waving two people from the helicopter. Uh, it wasn't an execution. The man didn't die. And so Republicans, including Ted Cruz, were forced to come out and say, oops, I shared a video that was, uh, inaccurately described. But one person who didn't backtrack on this was Donald Trump Jr. and Trump Jr. had his super clever people working for him, create a photo-shopped image of the Biden campaign logo that now includes an image of the person hanging from the helicopter.
And of course they made it look like the individual was being hanged from the helicopter. And for awhile there, that image was prominently on Donald Trump Jr.'s Twitter page. As of me sitting here reporting this, he hasn't apologized. He hasn't retracted. He has done nothing to correct the fact that he is using a debunked piece of imagery to attack and mock Joe Biden. This is what they do. This is what people like Donald Trump do. He has nothing of substance to actually attack Joe Biden for. So he thinks he's clever, has his clever little people draft up this image trying to say, oh, let's make this look like Joe Biden is somehow responsible for a thing that never even happened. A thing that has now been widely debunked and even Republicans like Ted Cruz have apologized for sharing it.
But there is no shame within the Trump family. There is no sense of, you know, introspection whatsoever. They just do things and they don't care about the consequences. They don't care if it's true or false. That's how this whole crazed family operates. And Jr. might be the worst of them all, at least among the Trump children, at this point. You know, he's trying to build his brand. He's trying to get all his dad's followers to go along with him, for whatever God awful plans he may have in the future. But the point is this imagery, this video, has widely been debunked. It didn't actually happen the way conservative said it happened. But that isn't stopping Jr. from trying to use this imagery and of course doctoring it up a little bit to make it look like Joe Biden is responsible, again, for a thing that never actually happened.

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