Computer Awareness GK 60 Questions and Answers | Computer GK | Computer Question and Answer | Set-3

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Published at : September 01, 2021

60 Computer GK Objective Questions with Answers in English | Computer Trivia Questions and Answers | Computer General Knowledge Questions and Answers (MCQs) | Set-3
1. Who developed the concept of email ?
2. The first computer language developed was
3. Who developed the concept ‘World Wide Web’ ?
4. ‘IC’ in computers stands for
5. ‘C’ language is a
6. Who is called the Father of Computer ?
7. What is the commonly used unit for measuring the speed of data transmission ?
8. A parallel port is most often used by a –
9. Where are programs and data to be used by the computer available?
10. Which of the following is not a Hardware ?
11. Which one of the following is a system software ?
12. ‘IC-Chips’ for computer are usually made of
13. To read a CD-ROM disc, you need a
14. Microsoft Power Point is a software designed to create
15. The device that converts digital signals to analog signals at the start of long distance transmissions is
16. Information in a combination of graphics, text, sound, video and animation is called
17. Optic fibres are used in place of wire cables because
18. The name “modem” is derived from
19. How much data does a standard floppy disk hold?
20. In a computer, what does RAM stand for ?
21. The period of the Second Generation Computers was
22. LAN stands for
23. Correct expansion of the term ‘http’ in Internet address is
24. The term PC means
25. 1024 bytes equals :
26. The term 'PC - XT' refers to ____.
27. ENIAC was
28. One byte consists of
29. The first operational electronic digital computer is
30. The letter ‘G’ used in ‘2G Spectrum’ stands for
31. Most of the computers available today are :
32. A ‘bug’ in a programme is a
33. DOS is a
34. What is the process of defining tables called ?
35. Virus in a computer is a
36. ATM is the abbreviation for
37. A ‘Bit’ refers to
38. The term API refers to
39. Telnet is a :
40. A translator for the assembly language to machine language is
41. Where is India’s super computer ‘PARAM’ located ?
42. Expansion of RDBMS is
43. Programs stored in a ROM are called
44. Which one of the following is an MS-DOS external command ?
45. Which one of the following allows computers to transfer data using a telephone line ?
46. The process of writing on an optical disc is called
47. Which of the following is not a secondary storage unit?
48. “Booting the System” means
49. In Windows, Icons such as Add/ Remove programs, Add New Hardware, Modems etc.; are found in :
50. DVD is :
51. Speed of processor chip is measured in
52. Which among the following standard protocols is the most widely used by the Internet ?
53. What type of information system would be recognised by digital circuits ?
54. Which of the following is an impact printer ?
55. The first computer mouse was built by
56. The technology that is used to establish wireless networking is
57. What is USB ?
58. Who is the founder of “Facebook”
59. In programming, repeating some statements is usually called
60. Which of the following is not an operating system ?
61. Which of the following is an DOS command ?

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#General_Knowledge_Key Computer Awareness GK 60 Questions and Answers  | Computer GK | Computer Question and Answer | Set-3
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