Can Drake Really Compete with Kanye?

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Published at : September 03, 2021

Drake and Ye have been going back and forth with eachother for the past 2 years and its all built up until this one week in 2021 where they both drop their albums. Are they really making moves based on eachother? Is this beef a lot bigger than we think? Is YE trying to sabatoge Drake? Can CLB really be better than DONDA? Idk fam let's talk about it..

0:00 Subscribe
1:07 Can Drake Compete Musically?
1:46 Will Donda Sales Drop?
3:51 Is Ye Sabatoging Drake?
5:05 Everytime Drake Dissed Ye
11:59 Ye dissing Drake on DONDA
14:48 Conclusion

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