Best ever Street head massage, Neck cracking in a wonderful 🌧️Rainy day, Indian Barber Pradeev 💈ASMR
Published at : September 14, 2021
Time stamp
head massage 02:21
forehead, eyebrows massage 7:00
neck massage 10:00
neck cracking 16:30
hands massage 12:28 to 14;30
backmassage 11:00
face massage 19:00
Barber name - Pradeep
Address-Near NML laboratory, burmamines, jSR, Jharkhand
massage cost 30 to 50 INR general but we gave them 250 to 350 INR, as we are earning from them too.
just to motivate them
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head massage 02:21
forehead, eyebrows massage 7:00
neck massage 10:00
neck cracking 16:30
hands massage 12:28 to 14;30
backmassage 11:00
face massage 19:00
Barber name - Pradeep
Address-Near NML laboratory, burmamines, jSR, Jharkhand
massage cost 30 to 50 INR general but we gave them 250 to 350 INR, as we are earning from them too.
just to motivate them
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Twitter - https://twitter.com/indianbarber
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/indianbarber387/

masaje de cabezaMassage de la tteMassage na cabeca