Achilles' Heel of The US Navy

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Published at : September 08, 2021

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Missiles and torpedoes can definitely do some serious damage to warships. But majority of the US Navy warships losses in in the past 75 years were due to a silent killer. Here is a hint: It's not "yours" and it's #NotWhatYouThink #NWYT

Fire Drill - Cushy
Invasion 2 - Fredrik Ekstrom
Something Tells Me Yes - Blue Topaz
I'm Gonna Stay - Addie Horner
Stop Trying to Pretend - Lionel Quick
Closer to the Light - Rockin' For Decades
Distance - Jay Varton
Phoenix Rising - Edgar Hopp
First Shooter - Bonnie Grace
Armed And Ready 2 - Fredrik Ekstrom

US Department of Defense

Note: "The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement." Achilles' Heel of The US Navy
not what you thinkUS NavyMine Countermeasures