9/11: Dave Stotts Looks Back at September 11th Twenty Years Later | Drive Thru History Special

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Published at : September 14, 2021

Drive Thru History: Today, we're looking back and remembering one of the greatest tragedies in American history, the attacks on 9/11. Host Dave Stotts takes us through the events of September 11 and the months and years that followed. We will hear stories of hope and heroism that you may not have heard before from first responders and people who were inside the World Trade Center on the day of the attacks. What happened that day in New York City united America and will never be forgotten.

0:00 Introduction from Dave Stotts
1:24 Conversations from Air Traffic Control
3:24 Footage from the tragedy
5:45 A breakdown of what happened
6:57 A History of New York City Skyscrapers and the Twin Towers
9:43 The Towers Collapse
11:21 A Conversation with James Carafano at the 9/11 Memorial
13:14 Osama Bin Laden plans
15:41 What Happened when the Planes hit the Towers
20:39 Rick Rescorla: The man who saved 2687 people on 9/11
25:13 A Plane heads for the Pentagon where Engineering saves thousands of lives
31:38 The Passengers of Flight 93 fight back, bringing hope amidst hurt
40:25 George W. Bush Addresses the Nation
42:55 Why it's important to remember
49:10 The Empty Sky Memorial in New Jersey
50:18 Cleaning up New York City and building One World Trade Center
53:37 Coming Together

Stock media provided by AirlinerVideos, blvdoneprime,
RickRay, NJMPhoto37, leoxUK, ArtbeatsExpress, mauricesavage,
RailwayFX, BlackBoxGuild, TimelapseTravels  / Pond5

3D Map model design by atlas-v7x

Archival photos - Library of Congress, http://LOC.gov

George W. Bush clips - National Archives

Pentagon attack imagery through FAA RADES NORAD
FOIA Data accessed via http://archive.org and Department of Defense
(Creative Commons Attribution license)

Some footage, images, and audio of the attacks on the World Trade Center towers were obtained through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) World Trade Center Disaster Investigation archive. These materials are stored in the NIST Google G-Suite account controlled by NIST and made available to the public through a series of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and disclosures. According to NIST, the materials in the repository serve as an historical archive in the public domain of the United States because they are works of the United States Federal Government under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the U.S. Code. Further, NIST has provided these materials as a public service and to comply with regulations that require federal agencies to provide equal access to data available for public release. The host, producers, and broadcasters of this documentary have used these publicly available materials as part of an important, newsworthy, educational record of an historical event, and have limited such use to this documentary and for no other commercial purposes.

Footage captured by:
Jules and Gedeon Naudet, Cynthia Weil, Paul Berriff, Jason Post,
Evan Fairbanks, Michael Barbagallo, Boris Miller, Chris Hopewell,
Michael Hezarkhani, Scott Meyers, Pavel Hlavel, Dean Riviere/Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) LLP, Richard Numeroff, and Guy Rosbrook. 9/11: Dave Stotts Looks Back at September 11th Twenty Years Later | Drive Thru History Special
september 11september 11 attacksseptember 11 2001