Welding robot, handling robot, palletizing robot |A tour in an excellent China robot factory.

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Published at : August 23, 2021

Hello, this is EVS TECH, Welcome to watch our channel. In this video, we will take you to visit QJAR robot factory. You will see what does a top level robot manufacturer in China look like? And how robot is build step by step? There are now more than 20 models of QJAR robots.
At present, it is the manufacturer with the most abundant product series among China-made robots. The product payload ranges from 3kg to 800kg, covering almost all industrial robots' payload requirements. Widely used in robotic welding,handling, palletizing, spraying, polishing, and other fields. Application environment such as loading and unloading of machine tools, Bad working condition including heavy dust, poor air quality, toxic, and labor-intensive environments, we can use robots to replace simple human labor. This saves time and efforts.

We EVS is the sole legally authorized general distributor for QJAR Robots for its global market. If you are interested in using QJAR robot, Contact us quickly, And We are looking for service center distributors globally. If you are a final-user factory customer, welcome to contact us for robotic automation support.

Our principle: offer reliable automation products, services and bring value to clients. This channel is mainly sharing knowledge and stories on robotic automation.

Contact us for cooperation:
Website: www.evsint.com

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Contact us for cooperation:
Website: www.evsint.com
Welding robot tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UTBisK-jik&list=PLSp4jcnQFEwj0i5gaPyDzE0wQ6hz0-qqv&index=14

Teaching pendant interface tutorial video:
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