The smartest and kindest thing President Biden could possibly do for Americans

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Published at : August 23, 2021

I strongly encourage President Biden to do exactly what I say he should do in this video, which is to instruct the U.S. treasury to print so much money and give it to the people living in the United States of America that every single person living in the United States become a millionaire.

What matters most is that it will significantly improve the quality of life for every single American. It’s not about making things equal or not. Just, for example, print enough money so that everyone can be given $10 million dollars by the government—and see where that goes. Fairly quickly after that is done, you will see the quality of life significantly improve for everyone! Nothing can go wrong and that’s what everyone would want! It’s the best thing for everyone in the world, actually! Take it from the man who has the highest IQ in the entire world. Please do that ASAP and Biden can take credit for it. I want him to! The smartest and kindest thing President Biden could possibly do for Americans