Should I Move Somewhere Less Expensive To Save Money?

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Published at : August 26, 2021

Have you considered a move to a less expensive home in another state? πŸ€”

We've seen a "great migration" out of California recently as homeowners look to save money, and that may be a great move for you.

However, before you take this action, make sure to do your research! πŸ“š

There are a lot of financial factors at play beyond home price that may surprise you. Property taxes, homeowners insurance, car insurance, and more can vary greatly in other locations and have a significant impact on your overall cost of living.

Want to know more? Reach out to the Mortgage Mom! πŸ™‹

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#mortgagemomradio #themortgagemom #debbiemarcoux Should I Move Somewhere Less Expensive To Save Money?