Predestination & freedom of the individual in Islam | Debate with Sohel Bahjat on @GonnaGoForIt
Published at : August 23, 2021
The question of free will vs determinism has been one of controversy since the dawn of history. Islam offers a clear perspective to the question of free will according to the Quran and Sunnah.
In this second round of debate with Sohel Bahgat (aka #سوشو or #SoShow#) I discuss the matter where the positions are as followes:
Sohel: Humans do not have freewill according to Islam.
Myself: Humans have free will and are accountable for the actions under their control according to Islam.
The debate was first aired on Saturday 15 August, 2021 on moderate by Peter De Tucker.
Videos I referred to directly or indirectly in the debate:
Truth 4| Explain God!
First Cause | Truth 2| Who Created God? | Can the universe be eternal?
Prayers Count! | Truth 12 | God's Subtle Ways| An Argument from Quantum Mechanics
God knows everything? |Truth 6| Explain Omniscience!
Is God The First Cause? | Truth 11| How do we know He cares?
Knowing God 11 pt2| Why Disease and Disaster while God is Merciful?
Truth 13| Free will; a contract fulfilled
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FindingTruthChannel
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/findingtruthChannel
Website: https://findingtruthchannel.com
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In this second round of debate with Sohel Bahgat (aka #سوشو or #SoShow#) I discuss the matter where the positions are as followes:
Sohel: Humans do not have freewill according to Islam.
Myself: Humans have free will and are accountable for the actions under their control according to Islam.
The debate was first aired on Saturday 15 August, 2021 on moderate by Peter De Tucker.
Videos I referred to directly or indirectly in the debate:
Truth 4| Explain God!
First Cause | Truth 2| Who Created God? | Can the universe be eternal?
Prayers Count! | Truth 12 | God's Subtle Ways| An Argument from Quantum Mechanics
God knows everything? |Truth 6| Explain Omniscience!
Is God The First Cause? | Truth 11| How do we know He cares?
Knowing God 11 pt2| Why Disease and Disaster while God is Merciful?
Truth 13| Free will; a contract fulfilled
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FindingTruthChannel
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/findingtruthChannel
Website: https://findingtruthchannel.com
Watch the debate, like, and share with loved ones:

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