My Cancer Cured through Alternative Medicine | Paul Segal on David Nair's Interview
Published at : August 19, 2021
Can Alternative Cancer treatment rid you of cancer?
There are various opinions on this….
Some say yes, some say no, but there is one surety, they provide some relief from signs and symptoms caused by cancer and cancer treatments.
Common signs and symptoms such as anxiety, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, pain, difficulty sleeping, and stress may be lessened by alternative treatments.
Hence what did Paul do?
Check his video to see the Journey he and his son took to sieve through and find an alternative that suits Paul and his lifestyles.
Many people with cancer are interested in trying anything that may help them, including complementary and alternative cancer treatments.
If cancer makes you feel as if you have little control over your health, alternative cancer treatments may offer some feeling of control.
But many alternative cancer treatments are unproven, and some may even be dangerous.
That is why Paul took that journey to feel and experience what it means to look for alternative therapy from the source.
Integrating the best of evidence-based complementary and alternative cancer treatments with the treatments received from his doctor, helped relieve many of his symptoms associated with his cancer.
Paul constantly discussed all of his options with his doctor and together with his kids, they determined which strategies best suited them and went with it.
Check out the full video on the playlist "David Nair on Air"
There are various opinions on this….
Some say yes, some say no, but there is one surety, they provide some relief from signs and symptoms caused by cancer and cancer treatments.
Common signs and symptoms such as anxiety, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, pain, difficulty sleeping, and stress may be lessened by alternative treatments.
Hence what did Paul do?
Check his video to see the Journey he and his son took to sieve through and find an alternative that suits Paul and his lifestyles.
Many people with cancer are interested in trying anything that may help them, including complementary and alternative cancer treatments.
If cancer makes you feel as if you have little control over your health, alternative cancer treatments may offer some feeling of control.
But many alternative cancer treatments are unproven, and some may even be dangerous.
That is why Paul took that journey to feel and experience what it means to look for alternative therapy from the source.
Integrating the best of evidence-based complementary and alternative cancer treatments with the treatments received from his doctor, helped relieve many of his symptoms associated with his cancer.
Paul constantly discussed all of his options with his doctor and together with his kids, they determined which strategies best suited them and went with it.
Check out the full video on the playlist "David Nair on Air"
