Libra: Suddenly and desperately not wanting this to be over. Complicated read with SO much LOVE.

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Published at : August 27, 2021

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*Disclaimer: My artistic storytellings are intended for entertainment purposes ONLY and are absolutely NOT an accurate depiction of past, present or future situations. I do not claim to have psychic abilities nor do I practice the psychic arts in any way. My art should never replace medical, legal or professional advice. Individuals are solely responsible for their own interpretations and actions.

Decks used: Gilded Tarot &Tarot of Dreams by Ciro Marchetti, Tarot of the Golden Wheel, Chakra Wisdom Tarot by Tori Hartman and Golden tarot by Liz Dean and Celestial Tarot by K.Stevetson &B.Clark and Brotherhood of Light Egyptian Tarot by Church of light, Tarot Apokalypsis by E.DUnn & K. Huggens, Santa Muerte Tarot, uncommon tarot, tarot of the divine by yoshi yoshitani .

I own copyrights to all images including thumbnails, I am the photographer. Libra: Suddenly and desperately not wanting this to be over. Complicated read with  SO much LOVE.
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