Published at : August 26, 2021
Today me and Emma and her friends are out on the town going Homecoming dress shopping. Homecoming is a month away and they need to find dresses. We did find anything this trip but we are hoping we will find some online!
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Ellie Ana: http://bit.ly/subellie
#EmmaandEllie #EmmaandEllieFamily #familyvlogs
We are a loving family that is on the journey of our lives and chose to share with you on the daily! We live in the wonderful state of Florida and love every minute of it. We have had our fair share of life challenges, that is for sure – but you guys help us through it all! We will share our daily adventures, full of shopping videos, hauls, challenges, DIYs and more. Emma is an All-Star Cheerleader and Ellie is soon to become a professional soccer player!
Make sure to SUBSCRIBE, click that bell for notifications and come be a part of our family because "WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER"!!
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Watch the latest: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDjjKuKkNW_IUULTFW6W7KUVK3PMzMgdn&playnext=1&index=2
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Family Vlogs: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDjjKuKkNW_LtYLqh41VR0jtpYQpPp6kU&playnext=1&index=2
Sports: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDjjKuKkNW_J7lQOi97OpM9JYKjhBW2Z-&playnext=1&index=2
Our House: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDjjKuKkNW_JXE7N8Ei6KXMrakRzXa67T&playnext=1&index=2
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Instagram: https://instagram.com/emmaandellie_/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EmmaandEllie_/
Subscribe to Emma and Ellie’s channels!
Emma Marie: http://bit.ly/subemma
Ellie Ana: http://bit.ly/subellie
#EmmaandEllie #EmmaandEllieFamily #familyvlogs
We are a loving family that is on the journey of our lives and chose to share with you on the daily! We live in the wonderful state of Florida and love every minute of it. We have had our fair share of life challenges, that is for sure – but you guys help us through it all! We will share our daily adventures, full of shopping videos, hauls, challenges, DIYs and more. Emma is an All-Star Cheerleader and Ellie is soon to become a professional soccer player!
Make sure to SUBSCRIBE, click that bell for notifications and come be a part of our family because "WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER"!!

Emma and ellieemma and ellie familyfamily emma and ellie