ENG) DIY Undefeatable Steel Gloves 自製鋼筋無敵鐵拳【手工耿Handy Geng 】

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Published at : August 27, 2021

ENG) DIY Undefeatable Steel Gloves 自製鋼筋無敵鐵拳【手工耿Handy Geng 】
別的不說,用來給我家豬開南瓜還挺好使!Not to mention the other parts, it's handy to cut pumpkins for my pigs with these gloves.

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#UselessEdison #耿帥 #ChineseEdison #handicraft #手工 #耿 #中國發明 #廢柴愛迪生 #搞笑發明 ENG) DIY Undefeatable Steel Gloves 自製鋼筋無敵鐵拳【手工耿Handy Geng 】