Cycling At Nearly-Abandoned Kampung Pulau Ubin With My Friends From Indonesia

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Published at : August 20, 2021

Let's Join Sabahan In Singapore, Cycling In The Almost Abandoned Pulau Ubin Village With My Friends From Indonesia. In this video, we also visit Chek Jawa Wetlands, walk on Chek Jawa Broadwalk and also climb the Jejawi Tower, A 20m-high tower built above a tree canopy to provide panoramic views of the Chek Jawa Wetlands. And in this video, I was also able to record a wild boar looking for food and a herd of monkeys.

#SabahanInSingapore #CheikoSairin #SabahanYoutuber Cycling At Nearly-Abandoned Kampung Pulau Ubin With My Friends From Indonesia
Cycling At Nearly-Abandoned Kampung Pulau Ubin With My Friends From IndonesiaSabahan In SingaporeSabahan youtuber