&B - Creating a SUCCESSFUL Business Culture!

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Published at : August 20, 2021

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In this episode Doug Ford President & CEO of Communica - explains how to create a successful business culture within any workplace!

President at Communica Public Affairs Inc. and Owner, Communica
Communica: https://communica.ca/
(403) 263-6830

About B:
Linkedin: https://bit.ly/2ZrzOmz
Dream Reach Achieve: www.dreamreachachieve.com
“&B”: www.andb.ca
Bruno Lindia has been referred to as the “Professional People” expert.
He has professionally interviewed over 150,000 professionals in all walks of life.
As a syndicated host since 2018, Bruno produces a creative video series that promotes your story and your brand.
These interviews have been of a confidential nature but now – for the first time – Bruno is bringing a selection of these priceless business encounters to your screen in order to share incredible lessons in both life and business.
The video series highlights individuals who have done amazing things and want to share their stories with you. The depth of ideas and insight can help you advance your career and strengthen your personal and professional relationships.
Bruno is continually inspiring executives and their teams to be extraordinary! He has, since 2014, built a professional recruiting and search company. He co-founded a “Hall of Fame Coaching program” that helps coaches influence the best behavior in athletes.
Bruno is currently the President and founder of Dream Reach…Achieve.
A two-time International Best Selling author of “Don’t Bet on It” and “10 Discussions for Effective Leadership”, and the creator of the Pre-Transformation Certificate Program.
As an interviewer, Bruno is the ideal choice to help you market your company and build your brand. Read more on LinkedIn.
Be our Next Guest on &B: https://bit.ly/2CZmKNU - Build Your Brand on Social Media - Promote your brand and story - Published to global audience on &B's subscription channel - Additional viewers of your “&B” episodes through free publication on MegaPixx Media outlets - Download your “&B” episodes to your personal and company social media pages
Contact Bruno to learn more about his online/onsite programs:
- Professional Peak Performance Coaching (Teams and one-on-one)
- Pre-Transformation Team Workshop - 10 Habits of Leadership Workshop
- Professional Sales Execution Workshop
- Hall of Fame Coaching Sports Team workshop
- Entrepreneur Coaching and Training
- Franchise Consultation
- Executive Search Services’ Consultation

Filmed and Edited: Artin Rahim &B - Creating a SUCCESSFUL Business Culture!