Convection-permitting climate modeling at CMCC: overview and main challenges
Published at : August 24, 2021
CMCC webinar - 27 July 2021
Mario Raffa, CMCC Foundation, REMHI Division
Marianna Adinolfi, CMCC Foundation, REMHI Division
Moderator: Monia Santini, CMCC Foundation, IAFES Division
The convection permitting models have received much attention from the climate community and policy makers over recent years, resulting as attractive tools to investigate sub-daily temperature and precipitation patterns and extreme values and their sensitivity to climate change. Well-known improvements in regional climate model performances at very high resolution (1-3 km) mainly consist in a proper characterization of extremes, allowing to address hazard assessment and manage associated risk. Within the CORDEX FPS initiative, EUCP project, C3S 430 Contract service and HIGHLANDER project, REMHI division of CMCC together with other institutes and regional climate modelers are investigating for the EU the potential added value of convection permitting simulations. From recent studies, an open debate on the benefits and limitations of such models is still ongoing, supported by quantification of the uncertainties, single-model approaches and multi-model strategies for the assessment and evaluation of climate simulations at km-scales. In particular, CMCC contributes to the aforementioned debate performing several dynamical downscaling experiments with COSMO-CLM regional climate model, in collaboration with the CLM-Community. A more accurate representation of the urban effects at km-scales is also exploited by CMCC that includes a proper parameterization for urban context in the model tuning. Several areas are investigated including the complex orography region of the Alps, more than 20 European cities and the whole Italian peninsula with a proper model setup, defined after several sensitivity tests.
More information here: https://www.cmcc.it/lectures_conferences/convection-permitting-climate-modeling-at-cmcc-overview-and-main-challenges
Mario Raffa, CMCC Foundation, REMHI Division
Marianna Adinolfi, CMCC Foundation, REMHI Division
Moderator: Monia Santini, CMCC Foundation, IAFES Division
The convection permitting models have received much attention from the climate community and policy makers over recent years, resulting as attractive tools to investigate sub-daily temperature and precipitation patterns and extreme values and their sensitivity to climate change. Well-known improvements in regional climate model performances at very high resolution (1-3 km) mainly consist in a proper characterization of extremes, allowing to address hazard assessment and manage associated risk. Within the CORDEX FPS initiative, EUCP project, C3S 430 Contract service and HIGHLANDER project, REMHI division of CMCC together with other institutes and regional climate modelers are investigating for the EU the potential added value of convection permitting simulations. From recent studies, an open debate on the benefits and limitations of such models is still ongoing, supported by quantification of the uncertainties, single-model approaches and multi-model strategies for the assessment and evaluation of climate simulations at km-scales. In particular, CMCC contributes to the aforementioned debate performing several dynamical downscaling experiments with COSMO-CLM regional climate model, in collaboration with the CLM-Community. A more accurate representation of the urban effects at km-scales is also exploited by CMCC that includes a proper parameterization for urban context in the model tuning. Several areas are investigated including the complex orography region of the Alps, more than 20 European cities and the whole Italian peninsula with a proper model setup, defined after several sensitivity tests.
More information here: https://www.cmcc.it/lectures_conferences/convection-permitting-climate-modeling-at-cmcc-overview-and-main-challenges
